For households and businesses that are having difficulties paying their bills, we’re here to help. Alectra Utilities has payment plans that can assist customers with keeping their accounts up-to-date. Our Credit and Collections Department staff work very hard with customers to come up with payment plans that take into consideration people's personal circumstances. Disconnecting a customer’s electricity service for non-payment is a decision Alectra Utilities takes only as a last resort.
Alectra Utilities provides at least 14 days notice of scheduled service disconnections to provide you with an opportunity to contact us to make a payment arrangement. We will also call you to remind you of any outstanding payments owed. Please make sure we have your current contact information by contacting our Credit and Collections department.
If you have been asked to send in a proof of payment to the Customer Care team, please use our 普通询盘 form to submit your proof of payment.
查看我们的 付款帮助 page for information about programs that are available to assist customers.